Perform basic work using the Microsoft word (Version 2010),
Daily materials
Laptop with installed office package,
Presentation Slide,
Enter the classroom, and encourage students before starting the lesson for their total participation and also concentration on the lesson, and then write today’s topic on the board.
Begin the class by understanding their opinion and knowledge about the topic and explain importance of office package (especially: Microsoft word) through explanation of making document with it,
Begin the classroom with more student-centered learning methodology with demonstration method using the Microsoft Word 2010 and command student to follow with me,
Present the content to be covered using PowerPoint presentation followed by the real demonstration method to illustrate topic with all student and teach them about Word processor, and working with Microsoft word (Starting Microsoft word 2010, parts of word 2010, saving, opening, creating, closing document, Working with Home, Insert, Layout, Reference menu in basic and other features),
Encouraging students to ask questions or share their thoughts if they encounter any type of problem and confusions during explanation and demonstration of working with Microsoft word 2010,
Follow the learning by doing practical based approach to attain the learning through Microsoft office,
clarifying doubts and summarizing topic in brief,
Create a blank file and save it in location and also write single paragraph about yourself?
Change the first word bold, second italic, third underlined , fourth red color and highlight fifth word?
MS Word 2010 (Assignment for student)
Prepare a curriculum vitae of yourself using the Microsoft word 2010.
Prepare a newspaper design using column, Dropcap and other formatting tools and take a reference from prescribed format attached herewith.