User:Mina Bhatta Real teaching lesson plan 9

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Subject: Computer science School: Shree Mahendra Basic School
Class: 6 period: 5th
Unit: 8 Number of student: 30
Topic: Microsoft Excel Time: 45 minutes


At the of session , student will able to understand:

  • Definition of Microsoft Excel.
  • feature of Microsoft Excel.
  • Starting MS-Excel.

Teaching Materials :

  • Daily uses stuff
  • book
  • laptop

Teaching Learning Methods:

  • Firstly , prior knowledge student/ teacher will discuss about it.
  • Present learning materials towards to student and start explaining the topic.
  • discuss about the Concept of Microsoft Excel through the help of learning materials.
  • student / teacher discuss the feature of Microsoft excel.
  • then method to opening MS-Excel are as given below.
  1. Click on the Start menu button in the lower-left corner of your screen.
  2. Scroll through the list of installed applications or use the search bar.
  3. Look for Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Office folder and click on it.
  4. Click on the Excel icon to open the application.
  • Student will follow my instruction and class will be continue....
  • summarize key points covered in the lesson.
  • Assign a simple exercise for students to practice what they've learned.


what is Microsoft excel? how to open Microsoft excel