User:Mina Bhatta Real teaching lesson plan 15

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Subject: Computer science Number of student: 30
Class: 6 period: 5th
Unit:6 Time: 45Minutes
Topic: Typing in computer School: Shree Mahendra Basic School


  • By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
  1. Understand the importance of touch typing.
  2. Practice typing exercises to improve speed and accuracy.

Teaching Materials :

  • Computers with internet access
  • Typing software (e.g., TypingClub, Keybr, or similar)
  • Handouts with typing exercises (optional)
  • videos Clip

Teaching materials:

  1. Introduction to Touch Typing
    • Explain the importance of touch typing in today's digital age, where fast and accurate typing skills are essential for various tasks.
    • Discuss the advantages of touch typing, such as increased productivity, reduced typing errors, and improved ergonomic
  2. Introduction to Typing Software
    • Introduce the typing software to be used for practice.
    • Demonstrate how to access the typing lessons and exercises within the software.
    • Explain any features or settings available in the software, such as customizable lessons, speed tests, and progress tracking.
  3. Typing Exercises
    • Assign typing exercises appropriate for the students' skill level.
    • Encourage students to practice typing sentences, paragraphs, or even entire articles provided by the typing software.
    • Circulate around the classroom to provide assistance and guidance as needed, ensuring students are using proper typing technique and correcting any errors in posture or finger placement.
  4. Speed and Accuracy Challenges
    • Challenge students to complete typing exercises with a focus on increasing typing speed while maintaining accuracy.
    • Set goals for words per minute (WPM) and accuracy percentage, and encourage students to track their progress over time.
    • Provide tips for improving speed, such as minimizing hesitation, focusing on rhythm, and using keyboard shortcuts when appropriate.
  5. Summary and Q&A
    • Allow time for students to ask questions or seek clarification on any topics discussed.
    • Encourage students to continue practicing typing outside of class to further develop their skills.


  • Thank the students for their participation and encourage them to make typing practice a regular part of their routine.
  • Remind students of the resources available for additional typing practice and improvement.
  • Express confidence in their ability to master touch typing with dedication and consistent practice.


  1. what is Computer touch typing?