User:Bishu User:Bishu Thapa/micro teaching 4

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Subject: C programing

Period: first

Topic: C programing

Teaching Item: Programing language and first program in C

Class: BICT 1st semester

Unit: One

Time: 15 min

No. of Students: 10


At the end of this lesson, students will be able to

  1. To write a program hello world in C programing language.
  2. To print first program in C Programming language in C.

Teaching Materials

  • PowerPoint presentation
  • Daily materials
  • Computer program using Turbo C++

Teaching Learning Activities

  1. Introduce today's topic with students.
  2. Revise necessary topics required to learn previous topics.
  3. I will write a program hello world.
    1. #include <stdio.h>
    2. int main()
    3. {
    4. // printf() displays the string inside quotation
    5. printf("Hello, World!");
    6. return 0;
    7. }

add example here

Classroom Assessment

  1. To write a program "First program in c" in Turboo c++.