User:Bishu Thapa/real teaching 3

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Subject: Computer Science

Period: first

Topic: Numbers System and conversion Boolean Logic

Teaching Item: conversion Decimal Number system to octal and vice versa.

Class: Class 11

Unit: Two

Time: 45 minutes

No. of Students: 23


At the end of this lesson, students will be able to

Teaching Materials

  • Daily materials

Teaching Learning Activities

  1. Introduce today's topic with students.
  2. Revise necessary topics required to learn previous topics.
  3. I will explain Binary number system and octal number system.
  4. I will explain the step with example to convert (5674)10=(?)8
    1. Divide the given number system by 8.
    2. Write the quotient under the number. This number becomes the new number
    3. write the remainder on right side. 
    4. Repeat steps (a) to (c) until 0 is produced as the new number.
    5. The 1's and 0's written as the remainder in reverse order. (i.e. button to top) is the required 0ctal number.
  5. I will show conversion steps octal number system to decimal number system using example.
    1. Write the octal digits as the power of 8 increasing from right to left to write starting from point 0 and so on.
    2. convert each power of 8 into its decimal equivalent term.
    3. add all these to give the decimal numbers.
    4. I will convert (43)8=(?)10.

Classroom Assessment

  1. convert (8764)10=(?)8
  2. convert (5674)10=(?)8
  3. convert (5674)8=(?)10


Solve the exercises 3,4.