User:Bishu Thapa/micro teaching 1

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Subject: C programing.

Period: first

Topic: operators and its types

Teaching Item: operators in c programming language

Class: BICT 1st semester

Unit: One

Time: 15 min

No. of Students: 10


At the end of this lesson, students will be able to

  1. To define operators.
  2. To give example of Arithmetic, Relational and logical operators used in c programming

Teaching Materials

  • Daily materials

Teaching Learning Activities

  1. Introduce today's topic with students.
  2. Revise necessary topics required to learn previous topics.
  3. I will explain Arithmetic, Relational and logical operators with its examples.
  4. Sum up the topic and ask students if they have any doubt.

Classroom Assessment

  1. What is meant by operators?
  2. Give some examples of logical operators?