User:Bishu Thapa/Real teaching 8

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Subject: Computer Science


Topic: Number system and conversion Boolean Logic

Teaching Item: Basic logic gates

Class: class 11

Unit: 2

Time: 45 minutes

No. of Students: 30


At the end of this lesson, students will be able to

  1. To define logic gate.
  2. To identify different basic logic Gate

Teaching Materials

  • Daily materials

Teaching Learning Activities

    1. Introduce today's topic with students.
    2. Revise necessary topics required to learn previous topics.
    3. I will explain Logic Gate and different symbol use in different gate to generate output.
    4. I will explain different gate using Truth table, Logic function, logic symbol.

Classroom Assessment

  1. Define and Gate with Truth Table
  2. To identity different Basic gate.


solve the exercise 2.9.