User:Bishu Thapa/Real teaching 26

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Subject: Computer Science

Period: Third

Topic: Computer System

Teaching Item: Computer system and its Type

Class: class 11

Unit: 1

Time: 45 minutes

No. of Students: 25


At the end of this lesson, students will be able to

  1. To Define Computer System
  2. To list out the computer system.
  3. define each component of computer system

Teaching Materials

  • Daily materials
  • Power point presentation slides ·    

Teaching Learning Activities

  • After entering to the classroom, I will motivate students by asking some questions related to this topic before starting lesson for their attention.
  • After ending discussion, I will enter into the lesson by definition of Computer System with figure and list out the components of computer system with the help of PowerPoint slide.
  • After that I will define each component of computer system by demonstrating slides and I will also note some important points on white board.
  • Moreover, I will also summarize the topic through discussion and Q/A Method while clarifying student’s confusion.


  • List out the components of computer system?
  • What is input and output unit?


  • What is processing unit and memory unit?
  • Draw a picture of Computer System