User:Bishu Thapa/Real teaching 11

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Subject: Computer Science

Period: Third

Topic: Programing concept and Logics

Teaching Item: syntax and Symantec Bug

Class: class 11

Unit: 1

Time: 45 minutes

No. of Students: 25


At the end of this lesson, students will be able to

  1. To Define Syntax and Semantic
  2. To differentiate syntax Bug and semantic Bug.

Teaching Materials

  • Daily materials
  • Power point presentation slide

Teaching Learning Activities

  • I will discuss previous topic.
  • After entering to the classroom, I will motivate students by asking some questions related to this topic before starting lesson for their attention.
  • Introduce today's topic with student
  • After ending discussion, I will enter into the lesson by definition of Syntax and semantic in programing with the help of PowerPoint slide.
  • After that I will define Syntax error and semantic error and I will Write a program with syntax error and semantic error
// C program to demonstrate

// a logical error

#include <stdio.h>

// Driver code

int main()


 int i;

 for(i = 0; i <= 5; i++);


   printf("Geeks for Geeks");


   return 0;


// C program to demonstrate

// a logical error

#include <stdio.h>

// Driver code

int main()


 int i;

 for(i = 0; i <= 5; i++);


   printf("Geeks for Geeks");


   return 0;


  • Moreover, I will also summarize the topic through discussion and Q/A Method while clarifying student’s confusion.


  • Define Syntax and semantic
  • Differentiate between syntax error and semantic error


  • Why semantic error is more danger than syntax error.