User:Ashmita shrestha lesson plan 7

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Subject: Computer science

Time: 10 minutes

Period: 3rd

No of Student: 25

Name of School: ABC

topic: Computer Virus and its Remedy

Class: 7

Specific Objective:[edit | edit source]

Students will understand the concept of computer viruses and learn about basic remedies to protect their computers.

Teaching Materials:[edit | edit source]

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Visual aids (images of computer viruses, antivirus software logos)
  • Projector (optional)

Introduction (2 minutes):[edit | edit source]

  • Begin by asking, "Have you ever heard of the term 'computer virus'? What do you think it might be?" Allow a few students to share their thoughts.
  • Briefly explain that a computer virus is a type of malicious software that can harm computers and data.

Understanding Computer Viruses (3 minutes):[edit | edit source]

Define Computer Virus:

  • Write "Computer Virus" on the board and explain that it's a program designed to replicate itself and spread from one computer to another, often causing harm.

Show Visual Aids:

  • Display images representing computer viruses to make the concept more tangible.

Explain Characteristics:

  • Highlight that viruses can damage files, slow down computers, or steal personal information.

Remedies for computer viruses (3 minutes)[edit | edit source]

Write "Antivirus Software" on the board and explain that it is a program designed to detect, prevent, and remove viruses from a computer

Show Visual Aids:

  • Display logos or images of popular antivirus software programs.

Explain Basic Remedies:

Briefly discuss simple actions to protect against viruses:

  • Installing and updating antivirus software regularly.
  • Being cautious with email attachments and links.
  • Keeping the operating system and software up-to-date.

Conclusion (2 minutes):[edit | edit source]

Summarize Key Points:

  • Summarize the main points about computer viruses and basic remedies.

Interactive Session:

  • Ask students if they have any questions or if they've ever encountered a situation where they needed to protect their computer from viruses.