Entrance Announcement
MICTE 2080
2080 Magh 07
User:Ashmita shrestha Real Teaching lesson plan 4
Subject: computer Science
Number of Student: 65
chapter: 2
Topic: Computer hardware
Time: 45 minutes
Specific Objectives:
On completion of this chapter,the students will be competent to:
- Introduce Computer hardware
- define input,processing and output hardware.
- Recognize input,processing and output hardware
- explain the functions of ALU,CU and MU.
Teaching Materials:
- Whiteboard and marker
- Duster
- Computer is a system ,where the CPU and other peripheral devices are connected to eachother.
- Computer hardware is the collection of physical elements that constitutes a computer system.
Input hardware:
- A piece of equipment/hardware which helps us enter data into a computer is called an input device.
- For example keyboard, mouse, etc.

A computer keyboard is an input device used to enter characters and
functions into the computer system by pressing buttons, or keys.
The mouse is a small, movable device that

lets you control a range of things on a computer.
processing hardware:
The physical component of the computer that processes data and produces result is called processing hardware.
- ALU(Arthomatic Logical Unit)
- CU (Control Unit)
- MU (Memory Unit)
Output Hardware:
A piece of equipment/hardware which gives out the result of the entered input, once it is processed (i.e. converts data from machine language to a human-understandable language), is called an output device. For example printer, monitor, etc.
Output devices generate a reliable computer output, which can be classified into two categories.
- soft copy output
- hard copy output
Amonitor is a soft copy output device of the computer which is commonly used in the computer system.
(i) CRT Monitor (cathode Ray tube)
(ii) LCD Moniter(Liquid crystal display)
(iii)LED (Light Emitting diode) Monitor
Hard Copy Output
(i) impact printer
(ii) A non-impact printer
summerize the main point of the lesson.
define computer hardware with some examples.
what is CPU? Write its different units.
Write the functions of ALU and CU.