Entrance Announcement
MICTE 2080
2080 Magh 07
User:Ashmita shrestha Real Teaching lesson plan 1
Subject: Computer Science
Class: 6
Time: 45 Minutes
No of Students: 30
Period: 4th
topic: Basic concept of Computer
School:Adarsha Secondary School
Specific Objectives:
At the end of this class, Student will be able to :
Understand the basic concept of computer
develop an understanding of computer hardware and software.
Familiarize students with the basic functions of a computer.
Teaching Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
laptop and projector(optional)
worksheets and computer
start by giving my introduction and asking there name and asking them about basic concept of computer
Encourage them to share their thought
Basic concept of computer:

Input unit
The device which are used in input the the data and programsi the computer are known as "input devices".for example Keyword, Mouse, Scanner, Track ball, Light pen, Optical character Reader(OCR) Bar code reader, Voice Input Systems, Digital Camera.
Keyword is the most common input device.The data and
instractions are input by typing on the keyword.

the message typed on the keyword reaches the memory unit of a computer.

It is a pointing device. A mouse is a small device
that a computer user pushes across a desk
surface in order to point to a place on a display
screen and to select one or more actions to take from that position.
A scanner is a device that allows you to digitize physical documents,
images, or even objects, and convert them into a digital format that
can be viewed, edited, and stored on a computer.
Output unit:
An output device is a piece of hardware used to receive
data from the computer and convert it into a human-perceptible form.
Example: Monitor,printer etc.

Monitor is an output device which is used for
producing soft-copy output. It is also known as VDU
i.e. Visual Display Unit.

The printer is the output device is used for translating
information from a computer into a pictorial form on paper.
- Summarize the key points from the lesson.
- Ask the question to students.
- Evaluate student understanding through class participation and responses during Q/A.
- Assign a short worksheet to assess comprehension of basic computer components and functions.
identify the following periherals as INPUT device or OUTPUT device.
- Monitor
- keyboard
- scanner
- Laser printer
- Mouse
- Digital camera