User:Anisha kandel lesson plan 4

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subject : Computer Science

class : 6

Name of school : ABC

No .of Students :20

Topic : Internet

Specific objective:[edit | edit source]

  • By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
  • describe the internet.

teaching materials:[edit | edit source]

  • whiteboard, marker and duster

Teaching learning activities:[edit | edit source]

  • Asking student about internet.
  • Teacher/student will discuss the introduction of internet

Introduction:[edit | edit source]

  • internet is a global communication system that links together thousands of individual network it allows exchange of information between two or more computers on a network through internet helps in transfer of messages through male , chat , video and audio conference, etc.

Evaluation:[edit | edit source]

  • Define internet.

Assessment:[edit | edit source]

  • what do you man by internet?