User:Anisha Kandel Real Teaching Lesson Plan 7

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Subject:Computer Science



topic:Antivirus Software


School:Adarsha Secondary School

Specific Objectives:[edit | edit source]

At the end of this class, students will be able to:

  • Understand the basics concept of antivirus software, its importance in protecting computers.

Teaching Material:[edit | edit source]

  • Marker,duster,whiteboards.
  • Laptop with internet access.
  • Video:

Teaching Learning Activity:[edit | edit source]

  • Begin with a brief discussion on what students know about computer viruses.
  • Explain that real-time scanning checks files as they are accessed to prevent infections.
  • Demonstrate the process of downloading and installing antivirus software.
  • Encourage the student to ask the questions.

Assessment:[edit | edit source]

  • Write a short paragraph about why antivirus software is essential.
  • Define Antivirus software with its features.