User:Aasha parajuli lesson plan1 microteaching

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Subject: Computer science

Unit: 1

Class: 6

Students of Number: 65

Topic: Introduction to Computers

Time: 45 minutes

School name: Adarsha School


  • To introduce students to the basic concepts of computers.
  • To familiarize students with the parts of a computer and their functions.
  • To explain the importance of computers in our daily lives.


  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Projector and computer
  • Worksheets for hands-on activities

Introduction (5 minutes):

  • Greet the students and create a positive and engaging atmosphere.
  • Begin with a simple question: "What do you know about computers?"

Overview of Lesson (5 minutes):

  • Explain the importance of computers in today's world.
  • Outline the main topics to be covered: Parts of a computer, their functions, and how computers impact our daily lives.

Basic Concepts (15 minutes):

What is a Computer? (5 minutes)

  • Define a computer as an electronic device that processes data to perform tasks.
  • Discuss the various types of computers (desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones).

Parts of a Computer (10 minutes)

Introduce the main components:

  • Central Processing Unit (CPU)
  • Monitor
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • Storage devices (briefly mention hard drives, USB drives)
  • Memory (RAM)

Functions of Each Part (10 minutes):

Central Processing Unit (CPU) (3 minutes

  • Explain that the CPU is the brain of the computer, where calculations and processing take place.

Monitor (2 minutes)

  • Discuss the monitor as the display screen where users interact with the computer.

Keyboard and Mouse (3 minutes)

  • Describe the keyboard for input and the mouse as a pointing device.

Storage Devices and Memory (2 minutes)

  • Differentiate between storage devices (where data is saved) and memory (used for immediate processing).

Importance of Computers in Our Lives (5 minutes):

  • Discuss real-world examples of how computers are used in various fields (education, healthcare, entertainment, etc.).
  • Emphasize the role of computers in making tasks easier and more efficient.

Conclusion and Recap (5 minutes):

  • Summarize the key points covered in the lesson.
  • Allow time for any questions from students.
  • Assign a simple worksheet or activity for reinforcement.

Homework Assignment:

  • Ask students to create a simple drawing or diagram labeling the parts of a computer.
  • Encourage them to research one interesting fact about the history of computers.


  • Evaluate students based on their participation, engagement, and completion of the assigned homework.