User:Aasha parajuli/Lesson plan 1

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Subject: Computer Science



Topics:Computer and it's Components

Specific Objectives:[edit | edit source]

At the end of this lesson ,student will be able to:

  • Understanding the concepts of computer and it's components.

Teaching Materials:[edit | edit source]

  • Whiteboard and marker
  • Laptop and projector

Introduction 2min:[edit | edit source]

  • Brifely introduce the concept of computer :
  • Computer is a electronic device that manipulated the information or data.
  • It has the ability to store ,retrieve and process data.

Component of Computer 3 min:[edit | edit source]


  1. hardware is a physical tangible component of the computer system.
  2. This types of computer is touchable.(for eg : CPU , keyboard and mouse)


  1. Software is a collection of program data and protocols.
  2. It is not in material form so we can not touch such types of components
  3. The execution of software program is performed by hardware.

Classroom Activity 3 min:[edit | edit source]

  • Show images and of the computer hardware device.
  • Ask student to identify computer and it's component.

Conclusion 2min:[edit | edit source]

  • Summarize the key points covered during the lesson (computer and it's components).

Assessment:[edit | edit source]

Define computer and it's components.