Shree Mahendra Basic School

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This report is about physical, economic and educational study report of Shree Mahendra Basic School. This school is situated at Madhyapur Thimi Municipality ward no. 2 of bhaktapur district, bagmati provience. It is 500m North from Purano Thimi and about 400m South from New Thimi. It was established in 2017 BS with an aim to eradicate the literacy rate of catch man area of school.

Education is the backbone of the society and human civilization. It provides us pure and perfect knowledge and always encourage us towards great achivement. This school was established with a sole aim of spreading high knowledge among the people in the middle part of the bhaktapur district.The school has 9-4-2-0 area land with 5 buildings. There are 363 student and 15 teacher with 2 adminstration helper.

Since its established the school has been dedicated to providing quality education to all student ,especially reaching out to the those with limited acess and facilities. From early childhood development grade 8, the school has been successful in establishing itself as a model educational institution in the bhaktapur district.

Furthermore, the school has played a vital role in bridging educational gaps and providing opportunities for underprivileged students. Through various scholarships, outreach programs, and partnerships with local organizations, Shree Mahendra Basic School strives to create an inclusive and supportive learning environment. The school's dedication to holistic education is evident in its emphasis on extracurricular activities, sports, and cultural events. These activities not only complement the academic curriculum but also foster a well-rounded development for the students

History of School

  • Basic School was established in 2017,located at Madhyapur Thimi municipality ward no.2 Jitgal, Sanothimi in Bhaktapur District, It lies on eastern part of nepal.
  • At the first it was only up to primary ,level but with the change of time it is up to secondary level.
  • It got associated with BHAKTA VIDHYASHRAM in 2018 through stationery campgin .
  • It motives the attitude of people and community towards positive education.
  • This school has 9-4-2-0 area land with 5 building was contributed by loacal people at different period of time.
  • School is a meduim to spread the education in the society.The main aim of school is to develop the inner capablities of the children.
  • There are 363 student and 15 teacher.
  • The school has a learning Support centre which caters for pupils with moderate learning difficulties.
  • Shree Mahendra Basic School belives in a partnership with parents and has always had strong links with the local community.
  • It is a very environmental friendly school and this is reflect in the school's status.
  • This school has its own compound of about 9-4-2-0 area which was contributed by the local people at different period of time.
  • This school runs up to grade 8 and divided into four blocks Nursery which has 2 classroom and large outdoor play area.

School Management Committee

There must be an organized for the managment as well as systematic development of any instution .According to the texture of 2078/03/24.

Table 1:Lists of School Managment committee:

S.N Name Post
1 Man Bahadur Basnet Chairman
2 Aarati Timalsena Member
3 Urmila Basnet Member
4 Dubraj Katwal Member
5 Narahari Dahal Member
6 Sunaila Chalise Member
7 Shree Krishna Shreatha Ward Chairman
8 Tulasi Ram Owal Teacher Representatives
9 Yosodha Khadka Memeber,Principle


I was trying to be prepared a school report of Shree Mahendra Basic School. While preparing this report some data need to be collected .To prepare this report,I used the Following source that are given below:

Tools for Data Collection Source for Data Collection
a.Observation 1.1.S.I.P of the School. 1.2.Prepared by pervious student teacher.
b.Interview 2.1.Interview with the Head Teacher. 2.2.Interview with local people.


S.N Girls Boys Number of Student
Nursery 12 9 21
LKG 14 12 26
UKG 22 14 36
One 20 18 38
Two 19 8 27
Three 9 11 20
Four 16 19 35
Five 12 32 44
Six 18 11 29
Seven 20 30 50
Eight 16 21 37


S.N Name of Thing Number
1 Land 9-4-2-0
2 Building 5
3 Room 21
4 Desk Benches 456
5 Daraj 8
6 Rack 7
7 Chair 120
8 Fan 5
9 Toilet 6
10 Lab 1
11 Libary 1
12 White board 14
13 Marker 45
14 Duster 30
15 Table 18
16 Watch 3
17 Laptop 2
18 Computer 29
19 Bell 2
20 Flag 3
21 CCTV 2

Human Resources

The function of human resource in education includes staff maintenance, staff relations ,staff development, procurement of staff and job performance reward. There are 18 Staff in Shree Mahendra Basic School, they are listed belows:

S.N Teacher Name Qualification Post
1 Yosodha Khadka Bachelor Degree Principal
2 Santa Dahal Bachelor Degree Vice Principal
3 Yogendra Khadka Master Degree Teacher
4 Iswori Panta Bachelor Degree Teacher
5 Tulsiram Owal Master Degree Teacher
6 Samjana Thapa Magar Master Degree Teacher
7 Susma Khadka Master Degree Teacher
8 Donuka Guragai Master Degree Teacher
9 Devi Sijapati Master Degree Teacher
10 Resham Lal Shrestha Bachelor Degree Teacher
11 Bhagat kumari Karki Master Degree Teacher
12 Bagawati Raut Bachelor Degree Techer
13 Nirmaila Khadka Master Degree Teacher
14 Anita koirala Bachelor Degree Teacher
15 Subi Tamang Bachelor Degree Teacher

ICT Resources

ICT (Information and Communication Technology) resources refers to the tools ,devices, and system that facilitate the use of technology for communication ,information management and educational purpose. In school ,ICT resources play a crucial roles in enhancing teaching and learning experiences. Here is a list of ICT resources used in school:





Use of ICT

In this Report ,ICT Tools refer computer ,projector, multimedia ,used in Secondary level in (Shree Mahendra Basic School).An umbrella term referring to a wide range of software technology components as computer, telecommunication, internet ,video that can be used by teacher to support their work .New technological tool not only bring innovation to academic centre, but also speed up the transfer of information, increase student interest, and allow processes to be automated, among other aspects to be taken.

  • ICT Tools that are used in this School are listed belows:





  • ICT Tools that are used in specfic subject in this school, are list out them in belows...
Subject Specfic Tools
S.N Specific Subject Tools
1 Teaching Geography Google Maps
Google Earth
2 Teaching Mathematics CueThink
CanFigurelt Geometry
3 Teaching Biology Youtube
Microsoft Power point
4 Teaching History Youtube
Microsoft Power point

Social media Presence


The school, Shree Mahendra basic School , actively engages with its community on Facebook. Regular updates on school events, achievements, and important announcements are disseminated through this platform. The interactive nature of Facebook allows for real-time engagement, fostering a sense of community among all stakeholders.

Link to Shree Mahendra Basic School Facebook Page




  • Model of School Report
  • Direct observation
  • Interview with Head Teacher
  • Schools Facebook Page