Entrance Announcement
MICTE 2080
2080 Magh 07
PGDE Regular Entrance 2080 Part 9
81. 'Good night' is an example of
a. Advocating
b. Announcing
c. Taking leave
d. Apologizing
82. The passive form of 'Don't pass the pen' is...
a. Let not the pen be pass.
b. Let not the pen be passed.
c. Let not be the pen passed.
d. Do not let the pen pass.
83. Mr. and Mrs. Sharma were travelling...a plane.
a. in
b. on
c. at
d. above
84. 'His grandfather passed away last night' can be said informally as...
a. His grandfather departed last month.
b. His grandfather died last month.
c. His grandfather passed away the month before.
d. His grandfather kicked the bucket last month.
85. Which of the following is Not the element of academic writing?
a. Coherence
c. Plots and subplots
b. Arguments
d. Discussion
86. कस्तो ध्वनिको उच्चारणमा श्वासको मात्रा बढी लाग्छ ?
(क) अल्पप्राण
(ख) महाप्राण
(ग) स्पर्शी
(घ) अघोष
87. आफन्तको मृत्यु भएको अवस्थामा उनका परिवारलाई दिन लेखिने पत्रलाई के भनिन्छ ?
(क) समेवदना पत्र
(ख) निमन्त्रणा पत्र
(ग) कार्यालयीय पत्र
(घ) ऋणपत्र
88. शुद्ध वर्णविन्यासको प्रयोग भएको शब्द कुन हो ?
(क) संसय
(ख) संषय
(ग) संशय
(घ) सम्शय
89. अनुच्छेद लेखन गर्दा कतिओटा अनुच्छेद लेख्नुपर्छ ?
(क) चारओटा
(ख) तीनओटा
(ग) दुईओटा
(घ) एउटा
90. 'त्रिवेणी' शब्द कुन प्रक्रियाबाट बनेको हो ?
(क) समास
(ख) द्वित्व
(ग) मिश्रण
(घ) कर्तन
- PGDE Regular Entrance 2080
- PGDE Regular Entrance 2080 Part 2
- PGDE Regular Entrance 2080 Part 3
- PGDE Regular Entrance 2080 Part 4
- PGDE Regular Entrance 2080 Part 5
- PGDE Regular Entrance 2080 Part 6
- PGDE Regular Entrance 2080 Part 7
- PGDE Regular Entrance 2080 Part 8
- PGDE Regular Entrance 2080 Part 9
- PGDE Regular Entrance 2080 Part 10
- PGDE Regular Entrance 2080 Part Answer Key