MED ICT ICTED 524 Advanced Web Technology 2080

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Faculty of Education

2080 (New Course)

Master/2nd Semester/ICT.Ed.524 Advanced Web Technology

Symbol No.:

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Group "A" 10 X 1 mark=10

Tick(V) the best answers

1. HTML web pages can be read and rendered by.

a. Compiler

c. Web Browser

b. Server

d. Interpreter

2. How do you define a CSV file?

a. Flat File

c. String File

b. 3D File

d. Random File

3. Which of the following statement is true?

a. DELETE free the table space while TRUNCATE does not.

b. TRUNCATE statement is use to free the table space while DELETE does not.

c. Both TRUNCATE and DELETE statements free the table's space.

d. Both TRUNCATE and DELETE statement does not free the table's space.

4. What is the use of isset() function in PHP?

a. used to check whether the variable is set or not

b. used to check whether the variable is free or not

c. used to check whether the variable is a string or not

d. None of the above

5. Sessions allow you to:

a. store persistent user preference on a site

b. save user authentication information from page to page

c. create multipage forms

d. all of above

6. In JavaScript, the "var" and "function" are known as..............

a. Data types

b. Keywords

c. Prototypes

d. Declaration statements

7. Which of the following are the predefined attributes?

a. xml:lang

b. xml:space

c. Both a and b

d. None of above

8. Which CSS property controls the text size?

a. font-style

b. text-style

c. text-size

d. font-size

9. React JS uses to increase performance.

a. Original DOM

b. Virtual DOM

c. Both 1 & 2

d. None of above

10. Which of the following command is used to create a react app?

a. install -g create-react-app

b. npm install create-react-app

c. npx create-react-app reactapp

d. none of the above



Faculty of Education

2080 (New Course)

Master/Education/2nd Semester/ICT.Ed.524 Advanced Web Technology

Full Marks: 40

Time: 3 hrs.

Candidates are required to give answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions

Group "B"

6 X 5 marks =30

1. Explain a dynamic client/server request/response sequence in HTML step by step.


What is PHP? What are the differences between client-side and server-side scripting languages?

2. What are the advantages of using CSV files? Explain how to convert a CSV file to an HTML table using PHP.

3. Design an HTML form to submit a Student Admission Form. Demonstrate the use of drop-down list, textareas, and file upload control.

4. Write a program in PHP to create a session, to set a value in the session, and to remove data from the session.

5. What is Asynchronous Communication? Explain how XML requests work to interact with servers.

6. What is jQuery and React Js? Differentiate between React JS and React Native.


What is DOM in JavaScript? Explain any 4 events in Javascript