BICTE ICTED 455 Java Programming Language 2081 (new /old course)

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2081 (New/Old Course)

Bachelor/ Education /5th Semester

Full Marks: 40

ICT.Ed.455 Java Programming Language

Time: 3 hrs.

Candidates are required to give answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions

Group "B" 6 X 5 marks =30

1. What is the purpose of an inner class in Java?

2. Discuss the concept of abstract classes and interfaces in the context of Java inheritance.

3. Explain the concept of multithreading in Java.

4. Differentiate between the throw and throws keywords in Java.


Explain the steps involved in establishing a connection to a database using JDBC.

5 What is the purpose of file handling in Java?

6. How GridBagLayout allows for flexible and complex component arrangements. Provide examples to demonstrate its usage.


Write code to create following GUI


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