BICTE ICTED 446 Database Management System 2081

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2081-ii (New/Old Course)

Bachelor/Education/4th Semester

ICT.Ed.446 Database Management System

Full Marks: 40

Time: 3 hrs.

Candidates are required to give answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions

Group "B" 6 X 5 marks =30

1. What do you mean by anomalies in database? Explain each type of anomalies with example.

2. 'Using DBMS in place of file system is advantageous'. Justify it.

3. Discuss mapping constraints, participation constraints and integrity constraints with example.


Why view is created? Describe level of abstraction in brief.

4. Define transaction. Explain transaction properties with examples.

5. Read following paragraph and make E-R diagram on the basis of given paragraph.

Actors play movies. One movie can have more than one actor and one actor can work in several movies. Movies must contain at least one actor. Movies have name, release_date, length. Actors are described by id (unique), name (composite), age(derived), address(multivalued). Movies are directed by directors. A director directs one or more movies and a movie is directed by more than one director. Directors have name, address, age and perfection. (here perfection means type of movie in which director is well-known like: comedy, action, drama etc). Movie must contain at least one director.

OR Consider following relations:

Actor(actor id, name, age, address)

Movies (movie no, name, release_date, duration) Acts(actor_id, movie_no) Write Relational algebra for following queries: 1. Display name of actors from "Kathmandu". ii. List name of movies that are acted by "Rajesh". iii. Insert record (111, Tom Curise', 'LA') into actor relation iv. Update attribute address of actor named "Steve" to "KTM" v. Delete record of all movies which is of less than 85 minutes. 6. Consider following relations:

Employee(eid, ename, age, address) Department(dept_no, name, phoneno) Works(eid, dept_no, joined_date)

6.Write SQL statements for following queries:

i. Retrieve name of department which phone number is 444444.

ii. Retrieve name of employee who joined department on '2010-04-01'

iii. Remove employee named ram who worked in finance department.

iv. Modify name attribute of department which can hold 70 characters.

v. Display those employees who do not belong to any department.