BICTE ICT.Ed.415 Introduction to Information Technology 2078

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Bachelors/Education /1" Semester

ICT.Ed.415-Introduction to Information Technology

Full Marks: 40 Time: 3 hrs.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions

Group "B" 6X5 marks =30

1. What do you mean by computer system? Explain the functional components of computer with block diagram.


Describe the different types of memory used in computer system?

2. Define language processor. Differentiate between Assembler, Compiler and Interpreter.

3. You are provided following data:

Namuna H.S School Nepal


Name English Nepali Education Math Computer Total Percentage Result Division
Rasmi 67 45 65 76 66
Gauri 78 34 64 67 76
Shyam 87 56 67 65 61
Hari 76 64 56 72 82
Bindu 79 63 63 58 56

Write the formula to calculate following on basis on given condition:

a. Calculate Total marks

b. Calculate Percentage

c. Mark the student with either "PASS" or "FAIL" [Pass mark 35]

d. Calculate the division Assume 80% above is distinction, 70% above is first division, 60% above is second division and third division otherwise.

4. What do you mean by LAN topology? Explain the different types of LAN topologies with their advantages and disadvantages.

5. Define DBMS. List and explain the applications of DBMS.


Explain a protection methods from virus and online threats.

6. What are e-services? What types of e-services are applied in Municipalities and Rural Municipalities to the local development?