Entrance Announcement
MICTE 2080
2080 Magh 07
BICTE Entrance 2081 Part III
20. Which component is responsible for rendering graphics in a computer?
a. CPU
b. GPU
c. RAM
d. ROM
21. What does "SSD" stand for in computer terminology?
a. Solid-State Drive
c. Secure Storage Disk
b. Serial Storage Device
d. System Software Disk
22. Which of the following is an example of an operating system?
a. Microsoft Office
c. Google Chrome
b. Android
d. Adobe Reader
b. Store data securely
23. What is the purpose of a firewall in a computer network?
a. Prevent unauthorized access
c. Enhance graphics performance
d. Manage memory usage
24. Which of the following is an example of open-source software?
a. Microsoft Windows
Mozilla Firefox
b. Adobe Photoshop
d. Apple IOS
25. Which of the following in used to connect a computer to a local network?
b. Ethernet Cable
d. VGA
26. Which programming language is known for its simplicity and readability?
a. C++
b. Python
c. Assembly
d. Java
27. Which of the following file extensions is commonly associated with compressed files?
c txt
d. jpg
28. What is the function of a web browser?
a. Edit documents
c. Play music
b. Access websites
d. Organize files
29. Which of the following devices is used to produce a hard copy of digital documents?
a. Monitor
b. Scanner
c. Printer
d. Webcam
30. Which protocol is used for secure communication over the Internet?
a. FTP
31. Which mobile operating system is developed by Google?
a. IOS
b. Windows Mobile
c. Android
d. Linux Mobile