Entrance Announcement
MICTE 2080
2080 Magh 07
BICTE Ed. 411 Fundamentals of Education 2078
Bachelors/Education /1st Semester
Ed. 411 Fundamental of Education
Full Marks: 60
Time: 3 hrs.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Attempt all questions
Group "B" 6 X 5 marks =30
1. List any five characteristics of formal education and point out its need.
Explain the broader meaning of education with suitable examples.
2. Discuss the importance of open and distance learning in
present context of Nepal.
3. Describe the relationship between philosophy and
What are functions of philosophy? Explain any one of them. 4. Describe the concept and importance of social interaction. 5. Write short notes on eastern philosophy 'yoga'.
6. Indicate the major contribution of National Education Commission (NEC) 2049 B.S.
Group "C" 2 X 10 marks =20
7. Compare the role of student and curriculum practices between Idealism and Naturalism.
8. Define socialization. Explain the mode of socialization with examples.
What is technical education? Discuss the importance and development of technical education in Nepal. [[Category:Fundamental of Education]