User:User:Pratima Lesson Plan 6

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Class: 9th                                                 Period:4 
Subject: Computer Science                                  Time: 10 minutes
Topic :  Network Topology                                   No. of Students:20           
School: NBPI

Specific Objectives:[edit | edit source]

  • Student will able to know about Network Topologies.
  • Student will be able to classify different network Topologies.

Teaching Aids:[edit | edit source]

  1. Whiteboard and Marker
  2. Laptop and Projector

Teaching Learning Activities:[edit | edit source]

  • Student/Teacher will ask about introduction about network, if student will answer then thanks them.
   What is network Topology?
  • Student/Teacher will discusses about the network topology and types of network topology by showing below videos.

Evaluation :[edit | edit source]

What is Topology ?

Assessment:[edit | edit source]

what is network Topology? Explain its types?