User:Saugat karki Real Teaching Lesson plan 11

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Subject:Computer Topic: Definition of Photoshop
Class: Seven(7) Unit: Sixteen(16)
Period:Second(2) Time:45min
School: Shree Mahendra Basic School Number of student:46

Objectives:[edit | edit source]

At the end of lesson ,student will be able to understand:

  • Definition of Photoshop.
  • Features of Photoshop.

Learning Materials:[edit | edit source]

  • Daily uses Stuff.
  • Image of Features[1]
  • Editing clips
  • Handouts

Teaching Learning Methods:[edit | edit source]

  • Engage, First prior knowledge and identify the gap knowledge.
  • Present learning materials towards to student and make environmental classroom.
  • Read the paragraph and explain the concept of Photoshop.
  • Show them the picture by help of Learning materials and divided them into groups and give one one topic to them.
  • Explain them the features of Photoshop with the help of materials.
  • Evaluate them by asking question at the end of classroom.
  • Give them feedback by solving the problem.

Assessment/Evaluate:[edit | edit source]

1.What is the graphics Photoshop?

2.What are the Features pf Photoshop?

Homework:[edit | edit source]

a. Write the features of Photoshop while editing and explain them.