User:Nawarajbhandary/ Real teaching lesson plan 11

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Real Teaching Lesson Plan Number: 11 (Eleven)
Subject: Computer Science Class: 11
Period: Third Unit: Three (3)
Topic: Computer Software and Operating System Time: 45 min
Teaching Item: Open Sources and Mobile Operating System No. of Students: 23


  • Explain the concept and features of mobile operating system,
  • List out some popular Mobile operating systems,


  • Daily materials
  • Laptop with installed BlueStacks,  
  • Presentation Slide,
  • Mobile phone with different Mobile OS,


  1. Enter the classroom, and encourage students before starting the lesson for their total participation and also concentration on the lesson, and then write today’s topic on the board.
  2. Begin the class by understanding their opinion and knowledge about the topic and connect the Mobile Operating System (OS) with the previous knowledge about the Desktop based OS,
  3. Begin the classroom with more student-centered learning methodology with demonstration method through the mobile phone with different OS in our daily life and also through the BlueStacks,
  4. Present the content to be covered using PowerPoint presentation followed by the real demonstration method to illustrate topic with all student and teach them about Introduction to the Mobile Operating System along with its features  with its some popular types of Mobile Operating System (Android OS, Bada, Blackberry OS, iOS, Symbian OS, Windows Mobile OS, Harmony, WebOS etc.)
    Different types of Mobile OS (Example)
    Different types of the Mobile
  5. Encouraging students to ask questions or share their thoughts if they encounter any type of problem and confusions during explanation,
  6. Follow the discussion method for clearing doubt and enhance interactive learning environment by enabling more discussion approach in learning,
  7. clarifying doubts and summarizing topic in brief,


  • What is mobile operating system?
  • List the popular mobile operating system?


  • What is mobile operating system? Write its features.
  • Explain the different popular mobile operating system.