Entrance Announcement
MICTE 2080
2080 Magh 07
User:Ashishsainju real Teaching Lesson Plan 9
Subject: Computer Science
Topic: Computer Software
Class: 7
Period: 6th
Time: 45 minutes
At the end of lesson, student will able to understand:
- Definition of Computer Software.
- Types of computer Software.
Teaching Learning Materials:
- Daily Uses Stuff.
- Projector.
Teaching Learning Method:
- Engage, First prior knowledge ,(Student/Teacher will discuss about it).
- Present learning materials towards to student .
- Read the paragraph and explain the concept of Computer Software.
- Also Discuss the types of computer software .
- Evaluate them by asking the question at the end of Classroom .
- Provide them Feedback ,by solving the problem.
1.What is the computer software?
2.What are the types of computer software?
a. What are the computer software ?