Entrance Announcement
MICTE 2080
2080 Magh 07
User:Elina Real Teaching Lesson Plan 16
Specific Objective: At the end of this class, student will be able to: Understand the concept of ordered list in HTMl. Create the different type of ordered list. Teaching Material: Marker ,Duster Computer with text editor(notepad,vscode) Browser for testing (chrome and msedge) Teaching Learning Activty: Begin by discussing the importance of ordered list in web page. Explain the ordered list are used when the order of item matter.
Introduc the
- and
- tag and explain its purpose and creating ordered list.. Emphasize that the numbers in ordered lists are automatically generated by the browser. Demonstrate the below example how to add item to the ordered list. Example:orderedlist1 Explain and demonstrate the use of the "type" attribute to change the numbering style like "A","i","1","a". Example:orderedlist2 Encourage them to experiment with different numbering styles using the type attribute.