Entrance Announcement
MICTE 2080
2080 Magh 07
User:Ashishsainju real Teaching Lesson Plan 4
Subject: Computer Science
Topic: Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint
Class: 8
Period: 3rd
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
- gain a basic understanding of Microsoft PowerPoint.
- learn how to create a simple presentation with slides, text, and images.
Materials Needed:
- Computers or laptops with Microsoft PowerPoint installed
- Projector or smartboard for class demonstration
- Softcopy with basic instructions([1])
- Shortcut keys used in MS-PowerPoint([2])
- 1 class period (approximately 60 minutes)
Introduction (10 minutes):
- Begin by discussing the importance of effective presentations and how PowerPoint can enhance communication.
- Explain the key components of PowerPoint, such as slides, text boxes, images, and transitions.
Demonstration (15 minutes):
- Show students how to open PowerPoint on their computers.
- Demonstrate the basic interface – the ribbon, slide sorter, and slide pane.
- Create a simple presentation with a title slide and a few content slides.
- Explain how to add text, change fonts, and use bullet points.
Hands-On Practice (25 minutes):
- Distribute softcopy for creating a basic PowerPoint presentation.
- Have students follow the instructions to create their own presentation.
- Encourage creativity by allowing them to choose their own topic or provide a generic one if needed.
- Circulate the classroom to assist students and address any questions.
Group Activity (5 minutes):
- Divide the class into small groups.
- Ask each group to come up with a brief presentation idea related to the topic they chose.
- Emphasize the importance of clear communication and engaging visuals.
Sharing and Feedback (5 minutes):
- Invite each group to present their brief PowerPoint to the class.
- Encourage constructive feedback from both the teacher and peers.
- Highlight positive aspects and offer suggestions for improvement.
Conclusion (5 minutes):
- Recap the key points learned during the lesson.
- Emphasize the importance of practice and exploration in mastering PowerPoint.
- Assign a small homework task, such as creating another slide or exploring advanced features.
- Assess students based on their active participation, understanding of basic PowerPoint features, and the creativity and clarity of their presentations during the group activity.