User:Ashishsainju real Teaching Lesson Plan 4

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Subject: Computer Science

Topic: Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint

Class: 8

Period: 3rd



By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

  • gain a basic understanding of Microsoft PowerPoint.
  • learn how to create a simple presentation with slides, text, and images.

Materials Needed:

  • Computers or laptops with Microsoft PowerPoint installed
  • Projector or smartboard for class demonstration
  • Softcopy with basic instructions([1])
  • Shortcut keys used in MS-PowerPoint([2])


  • 1 class period (approximately 60 minutes)

Introduction (10 minutes):

  1. Begin by discussing the importance of effective presentations and how PowerPoint can enhance communication.
  2. Explain the key components of PowerPoint, such as slides, text boxes, images, and transitions.

Demonstration (15 minutes):

  1. Show students how to open PowerPoint on their computers.
  2. Demonstrate the basic interface – the ribbon, slide sorter, and slide pane.
  3. Create a simple presentation with a title slide and a few content slides.
  4. Explain how to add text, change fonts, and use bullet points.

Hands-On Practice (25 minutes):

  1. Distribute softcopy  for creating a basic PowerPoint presentation.
  2. Have students follow the instructions to create their own presentation.
  3. Encourage creativity by allowing them to choose their own topic or provide a generic one if needed.
  4. Circulate the classroom to assist students and address any questions.

Group Activity (5 minutes):

  1. Divide the class into small groups.
  2. Ask each group to come up with a brief presentation idea related to the topic they chose.
  3. Emphasize the importance of clear communication and engaging visuals.

Sharing and Feedback (5 minutes):

  1. Invite each group to present their brief PowerPoint to the class.
  2. Encourage constructive feedback from both the teacher and peers.
  3. Highlight positive aspects and offer suggestions for improvement.

Conclusion (5 minutes):

  1. Recap the key points learned during the lesson.
  2. Emphasize the importance of practice and exploration in mastering PowerPoint.
  3. Assign a small homework task, such as creating another slide or exploring advanced features.


  • Assess students based on their active participation, understanding of basic PowerPoint features, and the creativity and clarity of their presentations during the group activity.