User:Elina Real Teaching Lesson Plan 5

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Subject:Computer Science
Topic:Introduction to internet with its history
School:Adarsha Secondary School

Specific Objectives:

At the end of this lesson, Studnet will be able to:

  • Write about the internet with its historical developemnt.
  • understand the basic component of internet including client, server, router and protocol.

Teaching Material:

Daily uses material

Powerpoint presentation:


Teaching Activity:

  • Begin with a brief discussion about students' experiences with the internet.
  • What they use the internet for which purpose?Discuss.
  • How internet impact on their daily life?Discuss.
  • Brifely explain about the history of internet and its origin?How it has envolved over time?
  • Discuss the basic components of the Internet, including clients, server, routers, and protocols.
  • Discuss the importange of internet in our daily life.
  • Summarize the keythresold of the topics.
  • provide a additional resource for further exploration.


  • Evaluate students based on their participation in discussions and assign the following questions.
  1. What is the internet?
  2. Write down the component of internet.
  3. What are the device required for connecting the internet?