User:Ubic/teaching lesson plan 32

Subject: 21st Century Skills                                                    Period: Second

Topic: Introduction to Computer                                           Teaching Item: e-leadership

Class: Bachelor’s 3rd sem                                                        Unit: 4

Time: 15 min                                                                          No. of Students: 20

1.    Specific Objectives

At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

  • Define e-leadership
  • Explain key aspects of e-leadership.

2. Instructional Materials

  • Daily usages materials.
  • PowerPoint Slide.
  • Multimedia Projector.
  • Laptop.

3. Teaching Learning Activities

  • Enter the classroom, and motivate students before starting the lesson for their concentration on the lesson, and then write today’s topic on the board.
  • Begin the class by understanding their opinion and knowledge about the topic.
  • After discussion I will e-leadership in education.
  • After that I will list key aspects of e-leadership with the help of PowerPoint.
    • Vision and Strategy
    • Digital Literacy and Professional Development
    • Infrastructure and Resources
    • Instructional Design and Pedagogy
    • Data- informed Decision Making
    • Collaboration and communication
  • At last, Sum up the topic and let students ask questions about this lesson and response them.

4. Assessment:

  • What do you mean by e-leadership?
  • What are the key aspects of e-leadership?

5. Homework:

  • Define e-leadership with its key aspects.

Internal Supervisor                                                               Subject Teacher

Bijaya Malla                                                                            Ubic Parajuli