User:Ubic/teaching lesson plan 3

Subject : Computer Science Period: Fourth

Topic: Web Technology I Teaching Item: Introduction to HTML

Class: 11 Unit: 6

Time: 40 min No. of Students: 45

1. Specific Objectives

At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

  • Define HTML.
  • Explain use of HTML.
  • Explain advantages and disadvantages of HTML.

2. Instructional Materials:

  • Daily usages materials.

3. Teaching Learning Activities:

  • Enter the classroom, and motivate students before starting the lesson for their concentration on the lesson, and then write today’s topic on the board.
  • Begin the class by understanding their opinion and knowledge about the topic.
  • After discussion I will define HTML.

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language which are used to create web pages that are used in internet to exchange data and information.

  • After that I will list out the use of HTML.
    • It is used to create a basic layout or design of web page.
    • Without HTML worldwide web wouldn't exist.
    • It allows features like embedding images, videos, audio etc.
    • It allows user to customize and format characters such as bold, italic, underline etc.
    • It helps to create link and list.
  • After that I will explain the advantages and disadvantages of HTML.

Advantages of HTML:

  1. It is easy to use, flexible and user friendly.
  2. It can be supported by all the web browser and operating system such as Macintosh, windows, unix etc
  3. It is easier to obtain and modify any of the content.
  4. It is compatible with all the search engine.
  5. There are several new and advance features in HTML 5.0.
  6. HTML file takes short period of time to load.
  7. Several tutorial can be easily accessed regarding HTML.

Disadvantage of HTML:

  1. It is difficult to create attractive and interactive webpages only using HTML. [php, javascript, sql etc]
  2. It cannot be used to create dynamic webpages.
  3. It is only a scripting language and cannot be used as programming language.
  4. There are many incompatibilities of HTML.
  5. There is no any complete acceptable standard of HTML.
  • At last, Sum up the topic and let students ask questions about this lesson and response them.

4. Assessment:

  • What is main requirement to develop webpage?
  • What is the disadvantage of HTML?

5. Homework:

  • What is HTML? Explain the advantages and disadvantages of HTML.

Class Teacher Subject Teacher

Kabi Acharya Ubic Parajuli