User:Ubic/teaching lesson plan 18
Subject: Computer Science Period: Fourth
Topic: Multimedia Teaching Item: Types of Multimedia
Class: 11 Unit: 7
Time: 40 min No. of Students: 45
1. Specific Objectives
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
- Explain types of Multimedia.
- Explain the hardware and software required for Multimedia.
2. Instructional Materials:
- Daily usages materials.
3. Teaching Learning Activities:
- Enter the classroom, and motivate students before starting the lesson for their concentration on the lesson, and then write today’s topic on the board.
- Begin the class by understanding their opinion and knowledge about the topic.
- After discussion I will list types of Multimedia and explain it.
- Interactive Multimedia
- Non-Interactive Multimedia
- After that I will explain hardware required for Multimedia.
- After that I will explain software required for Multimedia.
- After that I will let them to discuss the application area of Multimedia.
- At last, Sum up the topic and let students ask questions about this lesson and response them.
4. Assessment:
- What are the types of Multimedia?
- What are the software required for Multimedia?
5. Homework:
- What are the types of Multimedia? What are the hardware and software required for Multimedia?
Class Teacher Subject Teacher
Kabi Acharya Ubic Parajuli