User:Subekshya Poudel/Teaching Lesson Plan 8

Subject : Computer Graphics

Period: Fourth

Topic: Output Primitives

Teaching Item: Line Drawing Algorithms: Bresenham's Line Drawing

Level: Bachelor 6th sem

Unit: Two

Time: 50 min

No. of Students: 18

Specific Objective

At the end of this lesson students will be able to:

  • learn about Bresenham’s line drawing algorithm and its advantages over other methods
  • implement Bresenham’s algorithm using programming concepts and debug any errors

Teaching Materials

  • Laptop with programming software installed(Python with Pygame library)
  • Presentation slide
  • Projector
  • Whiteboard and marker

Teaching Learning Activities

  1. Begin by introducing the fundamental concepts of line drawing algorithms, their significance in computer graphics, and the different methods available (midpoint, scan conversion, etc.)
  2. Then discuss the specific advantages of Bresenham’s algorithm over other techniques before diving into the details of its implementation steps.
  3. Use visual examples to clarify these concepts throughout the lecture while emphasizing their real applications in various industries like gaming, animation, CAD software, etc.
  4. Present Bresenham's line drawing algorithm step-by-step, explaining its mathematical foundation and implementation.
  5. Discuss how the algorithm efficiently calculates the coordinates of pixels along a line using integer arithmetic and decision variables.
  6. Demonstrate the implementation of Bresenham's algorithm in a programming language on a computer.
  7. Show how to input the coordinates of the line endpoints and visualize the line drawing using a graphical interface or console output.
  8. Guide students through the code, explaining each step and the role of variables in the algorithm.
  9. Ask students if there is any confusion on today's topic and provide guidance and assistance if needed.


1. Describe the steps involved in Bresenham's line drawing algorithm.

2. Discuss the advantages of Bresenham's algorithm compared to other line drawing algorithms.

3. Implement Bresenham's algorithm to draw a line from (0,0) to (10,5) on a pixel grid. Provide the coordinates of each plotted pixel.