User:Sabina jamakatel Real Teaching Lession plan2

Subject: Modern Computer Science School: Adarsha Higher Secondary School, Layaku, Thimi
Unit: 2 (Two) Class : 7
Topic: 1st & 2nd Generation of Computer Time : 45 minutes
Period: 5th

Specific Objective:Edit

At the end of this Class Student will able to know about

  • 1st and 2nd generation of computer feature and components.
  • Differences between 1st and 2nd generation.

Teaching Aids:Edit

  • White board ,Duster
  • Marker
  • Computer Science Book

Teaching Learning Activities:Edit

  • Ask student what they have knowledge about Generation of computer.
  • List out the key points what they know about generation of computer on board for further Discuss.
  • Demonstrates PPT and describe 1st & 2nd generation of computer feature and main components.
  • At end of class summarize 1st & 2nd generation of computer.


  • How many generation of computer are there?
  • Tell the main feature of 1st generation of computer.


  • Group discussion about the 1st & 2nd Generation of computer and list out the key points on copy.