User:Ritu Shrestha/Micro-teaching Lesson Plan Five

Class: BICTE 4th Semester                                              Date: 2023/12/04

Subject: Database Management System                           Time: 15min        

Unit: 4                                                                            Number of Students: 15

Topic: Introduction to SQL


1.    Specific Objective:Edit

At the end of this lesson, students will be able:

  •    To explain the basic concepts of SQL
  •    To execute simple queries

2.    Instructional materials:Edit

  •    Daily uses materials
  •    PowerPoint presentation slides
  •    Laptop or computer with MySQL software installed

3.    Teaching Learning Activities:Edit

  •    Begin by asking students if they've heard of databases and what they know about them.
  •    Briefly explain that SQL (Structured Query Language) is a language used for managing and manipulating databases with examples.
  •    Introduce basic SQL concepts, including databases, tables, rows, and columns, using a PowerPoint slide to show a simple table's relationship to a database.
  •    Demonstrate a handout with basic SQL commands to create database and tables.
  •    Have students to run those queries.
  •    Ask students if they have any question and encourage them to explore more SQL commands and practice on their own.

4.    Assessment:Edit

  •    SQL stands for ………….
  •    Write a query to create a database named Student.