User:Pratima Real Teaching Lesson Plan 2

Subject: Computer Science School: Adarsha Secondary School, Layaku, Thimi
Unit: One Class : 6
Topic: Working Principle of Computer Time : 45 minutes
Period: 4th Number of Student :

Specific Objective:Edit

At the end of this Class Student will able to be understand Working Principle of Computer.

Teaching Aids:Edit

  • White Board, Marker & Duster.
  • Book
  • IPOS Picture

Teaching Learning Activities:Edit

  • Start with a simple question "What comes your mind when you hear the word computer"?
  • Briefly discuss students responses and expectations.
  • Introduce the main objective: Understanding the basic working principle of computers.
  1. Input Data and instructions
  2. Store data and information
  3. Perform arithmetic and logical operations
  4. Produce Output



  • Summarize the main point of lesson.


  • Explain the principle of computer.