User:Prakash Timilsina/Real Teaching Lesson Plan 8

Class: BEDICT 6th semester

Subject: Network Security

Topic: Operational and Human Issues

Period Duration: 50 min

Specific Objectives:Edit

At the end of the class students will be able to:

  1. Identify and understand the issue and mistake that is make by human.
  2. Develop the elements of operational security.

Teaching Learning Materials:Edit

Daily usages materials, PowerPoint presentations slides, Laptop

Teaching Learning Activities:Edit

At the first, I will tell them if they have any confusion found in previous class, if they have, I will solve their problem. Then after I will tell new topic, that I am going to teach them.

I will ask them What types of mistakes that it occurs when you had used your laptop first time? What types of issue are found while you are doing programming. I will listen their answer carefully. Then after I will write their answer in the board. Then I will explain the topic


  1. Suppose you are programmer, what types of error and issue can find?
  2. What are the elements for security for your own organization?