User:Prakash Timilsina/Real Teaching Lesson Plan 6

Class: BEDICT 6th semester

Subject: Network Security

Topic: Types of Security Policies

Period Duration: 50 min

Specific Objectives:Edit

At the end of the class, Students will be able to:

  1. Write different types of security policies.
  2. Identify the policies

Teaching Learning Materials:Edit

Daily usages materials, Laptop, multimedia, PowerPoint presentation Slide

Teaching Learning Activities:Edit

I will divide three phases when I teach students, At the first phase I will tell them to ask me questions from previous class, then if I find confuse, I will revise related topic. Then I will tell them today's topic.

At the second phase, I will make two group and tell them to discuss on types of security policies, and then I will ask what they discuss and write their statement.

At last phase I will explain the topic. (The main types of security policies are 1. System specific policy 2. Program Policy 3. Issue-specific Policy 4. Firewall Management Policy).


  1. You are Programmer so you need to ____________ policies. (Program policy, system specific policy)
  2. Write the types of security policies.