User:Prakash Timilsina/Real Teaching Lesson Plan24

Class: BEDICT 6th Semester

Subject: Network Security

Teaching Topic: Session and Interchange keys

Period Duration: 50 min

Specific Objectives:Edit

At the end of the class, students will be able to:

  1. Develop and understand the concept of interchange keys.
  2. Explain various key exchanges ways.

Teaching Learning Materials:Edit

Daily usages Materials, Laptop, PowerPoint slide, Multimedia

Teaching Learning Activities:Edit

After entering the class, I will discussion about key. Then I will inform the session and interchanges key. I will ask questions to students, what is session in network security? What is interchange keys? Then I will write their ideas in board, then I will explain the topic as using as protocol to connect device with hardware and software both, I will also explain manual key exchanges and automated key exchange with their function. I will terminate the class after describing the concept and meaning of session and interchange keys.


  1. What are Interchanges keys? Why is it used?
  2. Write the types of Interchange keys.