User:Prakash Timilsina/Real Teaching Lesson Plan21

Class: BEDICT 6th Semester

Subject: Network Security

Teaching Topic: Cryptography Checksums

Period duration: 50 min

Specific Objectives:Edit

At the end of the class, students will be able to:

  1. Define and understand the meaning of checksums.
  2. Explain terminologies related with checksums.

Teaching Materials:Edit

Daily usages Materials, Laptop, PowerPoint Slide, Multimedia

Teaching Learning Activities:Edit

I will do the following activities, after entering the class.

  1. I will ask them some questions related with public key, if they have any confusion, I will revise or recall and then I will inform today's topic Cryptography Checksums.
  2. I will show or demonstrate related picture with checksums, and I will ask question to students, if they know or not. I will explain the topic.
  3. At the last phase, I will terminate the class


  1. Where are checksums used? What is the function of checksum in Cryptography?
  2. Write various types of cryptography Checksums.