Teaching lesson plan 17 Subject: Python programming

Date: 2 Feb 2024

Time: 60 minutes

Period: 3rd

Teaching Item: Universal Array Functions in NumPy

Class: Bachelor


Students will learn about universal array functions (ufuncs) in NumPy, understand their role in performing element-wise operations on arrays, and apply them to manipulate array data efficiently.

Materials Needed:

  • Python interpreter with NumPy installed or IDE
  • Projector

1. Introduction to Universal Array Functions (10 mins)

  • Define universal array functions (ufuncs):
    • Ufuncs are functions in NumPy that operate element-wise on arrays.
    • They provide efficient vectorized operations for array manipulation.
  • Discuss the importance of ufuncs in numerical computing and array-oriented programming.

2. Basic Ufuncs (15 mins)

  • Introduce basic ufuncs for arithmetic operations:
    • Addition: numpy.add()
    • Subtraction: numpy.subtract()
    • Multiplication: numpy.multiply()
    • Division: numpy.divide()
    • Exponentiation: numpy.power()
  • Demonstrate how to use these ufuncs to perform element-wise operations on arrays with examples.

3. Trigonometric Ufuncs (10 mins)

  • Explore trigonometric ufuncs for mathematical functions:
    • Sine: numpy.sin()
    • Cosine: numpy.cos()
    • Tangent: numpy.tan()
    • Arcsine: numpy.arcsin()
    • Arccosine: numpy.arccos()
    • Arctangent: numpy.arctan()
  • Show examples of applying trigonometric functions to arrays of angles.

4. Exponential and Logarithmic Ufuncs (10 mins)

  • Discuss exponential and logarithmic ufuncs:
    • Exponential: numpy.exp()
    • Natural logarithm: numpy.log()
    • Base-10 logarithm: numpy.log10()
    • Base-2 logarithm: numpy.log2()
  • Demonstrate how to use these ufuncs to compute exponentials and logarithms of array elements.

5. Comparison Ufuncs (10 mins)

  • Introduce comparison ufuncs for element-wise comparisons:
    • Equal to: numpy.equal()
    • Not equal to: numpy.not_equal()
    • Greater than: numpy.greater()
    • Greater than or equal to: numpy.greater_equal()
    • Less than: numpy.less()
    • Less than or equal to: numpy.less_equal()
  • Show examples of using comparison ufuncs to perform element-wise comparisons and generate boolean arrays.

6. Exercise (15 mins)

  • Provide a programming exercise where students:
    • Write code to create arrays and apply different ufuncs to perform element-wise operations.
    • Experiment with various mathematical functions, trigonometric functions, exponentials, logarithms, and comparisons.
    • Explore the behavior of ufuncs with arrays of different shapes and data types.

7. Conclusion (5 mins)

  • Recap the key points covered in the lesson:
    • Universal array functions (ufuncs) in NumPy provide efficient element-wise operations on arrays.
    • Ufuncs include basic arithmetic operations, trigonometric functions, exponential functions, logarithmic functions, and comparison operations.
    • Ufuncs enable vectorized computations, improving performance and readability of array manipulation code.
  • Encourage students to practice using ufuncs in their own projects and to explore additional ufuncs and their capabilities.