User:Mina Bhatta Real teaching lesson plan 2

Subject : Computer Science No. of students:
Class: 6 period: 5th
Unit: 7 time:45 minutes
Topic: miscosoft word school: Shree mahendra basic school


  • student will acquire acomprehensive understanding of microsoft word, covering essential feature for document paragraph formatting, inserting elements advanced functionalities.

Teaching Materials:

  • computer with microsoft word installed
  • masker and duster
  • handouts with step by step instructions

teaching learning Activities:

  • Review the previous day's lesson or ask the student.
  • student / teacher will discuss the advanced features and paragraph formatting.
  • explore advanced paragraph formatting options( line and paragraph specing, indentation).
  • inserting Elements
  1. explain how to insert image and wrap text around them.
  2. demonstrate more advanced header and footer options document organization.
  3. introduce creating tables and charts for data presentation.
  • advanced features
  1. explore page layout options such as margins ,orientation and columns
  2. discuss the use of style and themes for consistents document formating

Q&A and practice

  • Encourage student to ask questions
  • Allow time for hands -on pratice with amore complex document creation task .


  • review student's document for comprehensive formating , use of advanced features and effective document structure


  • assign a document creation task that incorporates advanced formating and elements covered in the lesson.