User:Mina Bhatta Real teaching lesson plan 14

Subject: Computer science Number of student: 30
Class: 6 Period: 5th
Unit:5 Time: 45minutes
Topic: Exploring Windows Explorer School: Shree Mahendra Basic school


By the end of this lesson, students will be able to navigate and utilize the features of Windows Explorer effectively for file management.

Teaching Materials :

  • Computers with Windows operating system
  • Projector or screen for demonstration
  • whiteboard and marker
  • Handouts with key points and exercises (optional)

Teaching learning Activity:

  • Greet the students and explain the importance of file management in everyday computer use.
  • Introduce the topic of Windows Explorer and its role in managing files and folders on a Windows computer.
  1. Overview of Windows Explorer Interface (10 minutes):
    • Open Windows Explorer on the computer or projector.
    • Explain the various parts of the Windows Explorer interface, including the navigation pane, file/folder list, address bar, and toolbar.
    • Demonstrate how to resize and customize the interface to suit individual preferences.
  2. Navigating Folders and Drives (10 minutes):
    • Show students how to navigate through different folders and drives using the navigation pane and address bar.
    • Explain the concept of hierarchical file structure and demonstrate how to navigate up and down the folder hierarchy.
  3. Managing Files and Folders (10 minutes):
    • Demonstrate basic file and folder operations such as creating, renaming, copying, moving, and deleting.
    • Emphasize keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+X, Ctrl+V, etc.) for efficient file management.
    • Discuss the importance of organizing files into meaningful folders for easier access and retrieval.
  4. Advanced Features and Tips (5 minutes):
    • Introduce advanced features such as searching for files, using filters, and customizing folder views.
    • Share time-saving tips and tricks for working more efficiently with Windows Explorer.
  5. Practice Exercises (5 minutes):
    • Distribute handouts with practice exercises or demonstrate on the screen.
    • Encourage students to perform basic file management tasks on their computers, such as creating a new folder, moving files between folders, and searching for specific files.
  6. Summary and Q&A (5 minutes):
    • Recap the key points covered in the lesson.
    • Invite students to ask questions or share any difficulties they encountered during the practice exercises.
    • Provide additional tips or clarification as needed.
  7. Conclusion:
    • Thank the students for their participation and remind them to practice using Windows Explorer to reinforce their skills.
    • Encourage them to explore more advanced features of Windows Explorer on their own to further improve their file management efficiency.