User:Keshab Real Teaching Lesson Plan 13

Subject Grade Topic Period Time
Computer Science VIII Types of computer Network 4th 45 Minutes

Specific Objective:Edit

At the end of this Session,

  • Students will grasp various computer network types and their applications.

Teaching Materials:Edit

  • Whiteboard,
  • Markers,
  • Projector,
  • Handouts,
  • Internet access (optional)

Introduction (10 mins):Edit

  • Discuss prior knowledge of computer networks.
  • Emphasize their importance in daily life.

Types of Networks (20 mins):Edit


Small area networks.

Examples: home networks, school networks.


Large area networks.

Example: the internet.

Wireless Networks:

Use radio waves or infrared.

Examples: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth.

Client-Server and Peer-to-Peer:

Server-client model vs. equal-status peers.

Applications for each.

Activity (10 mins):Edit

  • Small groups research and present on assigned network types.
  • Group Presentations (5 mins):
  • Each group presents findings, fostering discussion.

Conclusion (5 mins):Edit

  • Summarize key points.
  • Discuss real-world relevance.
  • Assign brief homework on personal network use.


Participation, group presentations, and homework assignment.