User:Elina Real Teaching Lesson Plan 7
Subject:Computer Science
Topic:Creating ,checking and sending mails
School:Adarsha Seconday School
Specific Objectives:
At the end of this class, studnet will be able;
- to create an email account,
- to send message/mail form one computer to another through the internet,
- to delete spam mail/unnessary mail,
Teaching Material:
- Marker,dustor,Whiteboard.
- Laptop with internet access.
- Projector or screen for demonstartion.
Teaching Learning Activity:
- Begin the class by discussing the basic concepts of email.
- Share the objective of the lesson:to learn how to create an email account and sent message from one computer to another through the internet.
- Get connect to the internet system.
- log into the site
- To register for the first time, click at create account.
- Fill in your information.
- After fill up the detail and click on the next step.
- A privacy and terms information box will appear.
- click on I agree.
- On the next page enter your phone number to verify your account. on the given mobile number you will receive a text message from Google with a verification code. Enter the verification code and tap on Verify.
- On the given mobile number you will receive a text message from Google with a verification code. Enter the verification code and tap on Verify.
- on the next page enter your DOB in the specified fields.
- Choose a Gender.
- Tap on Next.
- In last step, click on continue to gmail buttom to create your final account.
Checking mails:
- open any web browser.
- Type the username and the password to login and click on the next buttom.
- Now check your mail form inbox.
Sending Mails
- Open the Gmail account at first.
- In the top left, click on the compose button.
- In the "TO" field, add recipients. if you want, you also add recipients in the "CC" and "bcc" fields.
- Add a subject.
- write your message.
- At the bottom of the page,click on the send button.
Studnet cannot create gmail in classroom beacause they dont have mobile phono to get verification code, so they can create a gmail on their home from their parents phone.
- Review the points from the lesson.
- Encourage the studnet to ask the question.
- Studnet should create an email account and send an email to the teacher.