User:Ashmita shrestha Real Teaching lesson plan 18

Lesson Plan: Introduction to Graphics with MSPaint

Grade Level: Grade 6

Subject: Computer Science / Technology

Topic: Introduction to Graphics with MSPaint

Duration: 45 minutes

Specific Objective:Edit

  • Students will gain a basic knowledge of graphics and digital art concepts.
  • Students will learn how to navigate and utilize basic tools in MSPaint.
  • Students will create a simple artwork using MSPaint.

Materials Needed:Edit

  • Computers with MSPaint installed
  • Projector and screen
  • Drawing tablets (optional, if available)

Lesson Plan:Edit

1. Introduction (5 minutes):

  • Greet the students and introduce the topic of graphics and digital art.
  • Discuss the importance of digital art in today's world and its various applications.

2. Overview of MSPaint (5 minutes):

  • Explain what MSPaint is and its basic functionalities.
  • Show a brief demonstration of opening MSPaint and navigating the interface.
  • Point out the different tools available (brush, pencil, eraser, shapes, colors, etc.).

3. Basic Tools and Functions (10 minutes):

  • Demonstrate how to use basic tools such as the brush, pencil, eraser, and shapes.
  • Show how to change colors, adjust brush sizes, and use the undo/redo functions.
  • Explain the concept of layers (if applicable) and how to work with them in MSPaint.

4. Guided Practice (10 minutes):

  • Provide a simple drawing exercise for students to follow along.
  • Display step-by-step instructions on the projector for drawing a basic object (e.g., a flower, a house, a smiley face).
  • Circulate around the classroom to assist students as needed and provide feedback.

5. Independent Practice (10 minutes):

  • Encourage students to explore MSPaint and create their own artwork.
  • Allow students to choose their subject matter and experiment with different tools and techniques.
  • Remind students to save their work periodically.

6. Sharing and Reflection (5 minutes):

  • Invite students to share their artwork with the class.
  • Encourage positive feedback and constructive criticism from peers.
  • Ask students to reflect on their experience using MSPaint and share one thing they learned or enjoyed.

7. Conclusion (5 minutes):Edit

  • Summarize key points covered in the lesson.
  • Reinforce the importance of practice and experimentation in improving digital art skills.
  • Preview future lessons on more advanced graphic design tools and techniques.


  • Informal assessment based on observation during guided and independent practice.