User:Ashmita shresthaReal Teaching lesson plan 14

Subject: Computer Science

Topic: ICT,Cyber Law and Ethics

No of Students: 65

Period: 4 th

Class: 6

Specific Objective:Edit

  • To introduce Class 6 students to the basics of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Cyber Law, and Ethics.

Teaching Materials:Edit

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Projector and laptop
  • Internet-connected device for demonstrations
  • Handouts with basic ICT, Cyber Law, and Ethics information
  • Examples of positive and negative online behavior

Introduction (5 minutes):Edit

  1. Begin with a brief discussion about technology and its role in our lives. Ask students how they use technology and what they know about it.
  2. Introduce the term ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and explain that it involves the use of technology to process and communicate information.
  3. What is information?
  4. What is communication?
  5. what is information technology?

Diffenent phases of information technology are given bellow:

ICT Basics (10 minutes):Edit

Discuss basic ICT components:

  • Computers
  • Internet
  • Software
  1. Provide simple examples to illustrate how ICT is used in daily life, such as sending emails, playing educational games, and using search engines.

Cyber Law (10 minutes):Edit

Introduce the concept of Cyber Law:

  • Explain that Cyber Law deals with legal issues related to the internet and online activities.
  • Mention that it helps protect individuals from cybercrimes.
  1. Discuss basic cyber laws, such as:
    • Data protection
    • Online harassment
    • Unauthorized access

Ethics in ICT (15 minutes):Edit

Define ethics and explain that it involves making responsible and moral choices.

  1. Discuss ethical behavior in the context of ICT, emphasizing positive online behavior, respecting others' privacy, and avoiding cyberbullying.
  2. Use examples to illustrate positive and negative online behavior, encouraging students to identify what is appropriate and what is not.

Conclusion (5 minutes):Edit

Recap the key points covered in the lesson.

  1. Emphasize the importance of using technology responsibly and respecting others in the online world.


  • Participation in group discussions and class activities.
  • Understanding demonstrated through the scenarios discussed.
  • Completion of a short reflection on the importance of Cyber Law and Ethics