User:Ashishsainju real Teaching Lesson Plan 6

Subject: Computer Science

Topic: Algorithm

Class: 7

Period: 6th

Time: 45 minutes


By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

  • To explain the types of tools used to represent program.
  • To explain about the algorithm, their importance, and their role in problem-solving.
  • To explain the concept of Algorithm its basic terms.

Materials Needed:

  • Whiteboard
  • Projector
  • Hardcopy with step-by-step instructions.

Teaching Learning Activities

Introduction(30 minutes):

  • Briefly introduce the Algorithm and its features.
  • Discuss examples of algorithms in everyday life (e.g., recipes, getting ready in the morning, solving a Rubik's cube). Emphasize that algorithms are not just for computers; people use them too.
  • Discuss why algorithms are important. Highlight their role in problem-solving and their application in various fields such as computer science, mathematics, and daily life.

Activity(10 minutes):

  • Present a simple problem (e.g., sorting a deck of cards). Discuss possible solutions without providing a specific algorithm.
  • Creating Algorithm for basic problems referred to the real world.
  • Creating Algorithm for problems reference to programs, systems etc.

Conclusion(5 minutes):

  • Summarize the key points about algorithms, their importance, and the analysis of their efficiency.
  • Ask students to reflect on what they've learned and how they can apply algorithmic thinking in their daily lives.


  • Describe Algorithm and its importance with examples.
  • Characteristics of Algorithm.
  • Write an algorithm to start the computer.
  • Accept three numbers and check whether they are 'Pythagorean Triplets' or not. Display the message accordingly.(Hint: Use Pythagoras Formula for a Right-angled Triangle: h = p2+b2)


  • Evaluate students based on their participation in the hands-on practice, their ability to use both algorithm and flowchart for the same problem.